
Turning Two

Yesterday we turned two. Hooray! To celebrate, Ryan wore Puma sweats and a t-shirt that I think he looks exceptionally studly in. I’m allowed to say this because, you know … we’ve been dating for two years. And I wore a similar outfit.  Staying in is sometimes so wonderful.  He also baked us a pizza. See:

Our pizza sides were carefully separated by the great wall of green peppers. And Ryan happily ate his pieces decorated with seven pepperonis (seven for our twenty-four sevens!) while I ate my pieces stacked with veggies. See:

We looked through two years worth of old pictures and reminisced on our favorite events of each of our twenty four months together. And then we took a new picture for the collection. See:

I gave Ryan a scrapbook filled with items that he’d been collecting – concert tickets, stubs from movies, planes, and athletic events, love notes, random post-its with zebras carefully drawn on them, and other such delights. He was totally unsurprised. Apparently he has super senses and knew his items were missing about three seconds after I stole them. Even though he was in a different state at the time.

It’s okay though, I still want to live HEA with him. Even though he didn’t even pretend to act surprised at all, there are oh so many reasons to love him. (Like when he writes me blog posts and sends me flowers at work.) Remember these? Perhaps I’m feeling up to the challenge of turning 101 into 202.

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