

Sometimes you have a really fun night (RFN) and when you wake up the next day to look at all of your really fun pictures (RFPs) of your RFN, you realize that your RFPs don’t exist. And then you just have really not fun pictures that you will never put anywhere in the history or future of forever.

Basically this is my favorite picture of the night. Only because I think Ryan maybe is checking me out. And because I think my curls look fabulous and bouncy. I’m allowed to say both of those things.

And I was able to scrounge up these:
1) Where Ryan looks really happy and like he is having a RFN and my shirt looks maybe three sizes too big, so I had to crop the picture.    

2) Where the Wolfe Pack is moving to South Carolina and I am really sad, but I make a fish face instead of a frown because the band was most likely playing “Bad Fish”.  You know, because you’re a bad fish, too.

And 3) Where the Wolfe Pack is moving to South Carolina and I am really sad, but Chris’ red hair always looks super fantastic and she loves her husband a whole ton of a lot. 


ashley said...

I would like to have a RFN w/ PH. That is all.

Tessa said...

Pony house? Potty hat? Pixie habitat? Penguin hair?