

Happy Halloweenie! I hope you put on your wig or your tail or your super hero cape and tore up the town. And by tore up the town, I mean collected all the sweets you and your little bunny ears could ever imagine. That’s not really what we did, but I did eat 49 too many Halloween colored peanut M&Ms (a staple in the Taylor household). Instead of trick or treating, we party bused it to a Halloween house that was complete with a staircase full of rats, a handwriting analyst, skeletons hanging from the ceiling, a Mac makeup artist, and – of course – Simplified. Kid Rock and Ke$ha made a special drop by as well.

You know, just the usual rock stars kicking it near the emergency exit with the common folk on a pre-Halloweenie Saturday night. So what did you do? And what are you going to be next year? Circle black cat or fire breathing dragon. Those are your only two choices. Sorry.

More pictures to come, if it would so please you.  Also, I sustained a pretty serious tambourine injury.  SFP.

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